Mayday! How to Poshmark in the Vortex

Holy cannoli. It has been a busy week. As evidenced by an uncharacteristic lack of alternate day posting here. Sometimes life turns into a vortex… all the plates you have to keep spinning seem like they might crash at any moment, maybe 1 or 2 have already dropped. But life has to keep moving and if you are counting on Posh income even when life is crazy, you need to Posh while actively vortexing. Here’s how I handle those times to keep up a successful Posh closet.

First, when you are stressed and short of time, choose the most high reward Posh activities and use what time you have to do only that. For me, daily vortex closet care looks like:

  • relisting a few old items from the bottom of my closet
  • following about 10 people
  • ENL’ing my entire closet, bit by bit, as I have time over the day (I have a big closet and if I can’t even do that, I’ll try to ENL the most recently listed 100 or so)
  • making offers to likers on items that have gotten likes and any bundles that have been made by potential buyers in the past 24 hours

That small list takes maybe 15 minutes manually not including the time I spend ENL’ing (which can honestly take an hour to do manually if I do the whole thing in one go… which is why a few minutes here and there while I have idle time is the way to go). If I am out of town or on vacation (can it be summer yet??) and do not take my computer, I do the basics by hand.

I do use (and love) a Posh bot and the bot is a great help because, if I have any desk work or even the intermittent ability to check in on the computer (like between loads of laundry, cooking, carpooling, etc), it allows me to multitask and quite possibly get a lot more Poshing into a vortex day than would otherwise be humanly possible. I still focus on essential tasks as above, but may also share to parties or ENL more times per day.

By making this essential list a daily commitment even on the hard days, I can maintain solid sales while out of town for the weekend, prepping and hosting holiday parties, and when under the weather.

Do you have tips to share on how you manage the rough and tough patches as a Posh seller? I’d love to hear them!!